Are You Emotional About Your Brand?
If you aren’t emotional about your brand, how do you expect your current and potential clients to be? To differentiate your brand from your competitors it should bring out an emotional response such as trust, humor, expertise or achievement. These emotions associate positive experiences with your firm. That emotional tie builds loyalty and inspires your...
Read more.It’s Not Magic – It’s Simply the Golden Rule
Everywhere you turn you hear that digital marketing should be part of every firm’s marketing plan. What’s mentioned less often these days, however, is the importance of using a variety of old and new marketing tactics to meet customers where they are—both online and off. The key to all of your marketing should be synergy. Your...
Read more.Stop, Look & Listen – Gaining Perspective & Improving Your Client Experience
Perspective. It seems to be something we all forget, lose sight of and that changes not only from year to year, but often from moment to moment. Very much like opinions, we all have one and they are all often very different. Two years ago, I was given the gift of time to travel to...
Read more.Client Service Gives Food for Thought
Have you ever dined at a 5-star restaurant? If you have, then you will know that customer service is an essential part of the experience. How you make the customer feel is as important as the preparation and taste of the food. From anticipating the customer’s needs, making sure everyone feels welcome and appreciated to...
Read more.How Being Client Focused Can Make Your Firm One of the Best of the Best!
A firm without client focus is like stuffing money into a pocket full of holes” – David Tooman, Client Service Expert. This quote perfectly illustrates just how important being client focused is to the success of most of America’s leading and most productive law firms. According to a recent study, the top three reasons clients...
Read more.Website Welcome
Have you ever thought about your “buying tendencies”? Are you more likely to buy from someone who greets you at the door of a store and asks if they can help you? You may say “No Thank You, I’m just browsing.” But, you’re more likely to buy from them if they have first offered you...
Read more.How Much Should You Spend on Marketing?
Small business owners begin with a hefty startup investment just to get off the ground. The last thing you want to think about is more spending. But the old adage that “it takes money to make money” holds some truth, especially for young companies. In order to ensure your success, you’ll need to assess what...
Read more.Tell Your Story: Don’t be Afraid to Connect
What’s your story? There’s a story about how Lawyers Marketing Associates, Inc. was born. And, I tell my story all the time. I tell it on my website, in my client kit, in my elevator speech, in my bio, anywhere anyone will let me or listen! Why? Because it helps my potential clients connect with...
Read more.Small Tips to Help Grow Your Law Practice in Big Ways
Sometimes it feels like such an endeavor to write a full article and I know that, at times, it can feel like an endeavor to read a full article, as well. Now that technology has allowed us to interact with the world in snippets of time rather than actually have to truly engage, it appears...
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